- #What platform was the apprentice video game on portable#
- #What platform was the apprentice video game on mac#

“They felt that I was degrading the cinema and degrading the whole of society, especially in Spetters,” he told Empire in 2014. The negative response to Spetters was so strong, he thought his career in his home country was over. MOD, XM, S3M, IT file support via libmodplug. ASS/SSA subtitle rendering is implemented with libass. User interface is implemented with Qt 4/5. Video rendering is via OpenGL, using fragment programs when possible. Audio rendering is accomplished via portaudio v19. And it was one of Verhoeven’s last films in Holland before he dove face-first into the ample bosom of Hollywood. This player stands on the giant shoulders of FFmpeg. The film never condones the antics but condemns the sort of masculinity and conservatism fomented in Dutch culture. (This rape, apparently, helps him come out of the closet.) And, in the most disturbing scene, when Eef gets gang-raped by gay hustlers in retaliation for ripping them off.

Or when they participate in a literal dick-measuring contest and start to visibly jack their limp penises off to get a more accurate measurement. Like when Rien, Eef, and Hans violently assault a gay man walking down the street. etc.īut then there are elements that are sooooooo Verhoevian in their extremeties. Religious parents who have no clue the shit their sons get up to. A hot, slightly older seductress whom the three boys at the center of the film-Rien, Eef, and Hans-all have boners for. Teenaged characters-in this case, motocross racers-aspiring to lives outside their boring-ass provincial town. But there are certainly some familiar tropes throughout the film. Spetters is a coming-of-age dramedy done Verhoeven-style.

Die UI wird mit WebGL als Vektorgraphiken realisiert.An exercise in Verhoevian extremity. Das Dimensionstor lässt sich mit auf dem Weg eingesammelten Kristallen schließen, nachdem das Endmonster mit einer Kombination von Zaubersprüchen besiegt wurde.ĭie Geschäftslogik des Spiels wird mit Java realisiert, ein Platz für eine anschließbare Datenbank ist vorgesehen. Für jedes Monster brauch man einen anderen Zauberspruch, um es zu besiegen. Als der Meister den nächsten Trank brauen will, explodiert der Kessel, der Lehrling wird weit weg geschleudert und ein Dimensionstor öffnet sich, aus dem Monster in die Welt gelangen.ĭie Aufgabe im Spiel besteht darin, den Weg zurück zum Zauberturm zu überstehen, die Monster auf dem Weg zu besiegen und das Dimensionstor wieder zu schließen.ĭie Monster werden mittels Zaubersprüchen besiegt, die mit verschiedenen Touchgesten auf dem Bildschirm aktiviert werden können.
#What platform was the apprentice video game on portable#
In this way, I had a “Hello World” up and running for testing my code.ĭas sidescroll jump n Run für android portable devices erzählt die Geschichte eines Zauberlehrlings, der seinem Meister einen Streich spielt.
#What platform was the apprentice video game on mac#
I got the Android Emulator running on Mac as a separate application, runnable from within Eclipse. The video game is very graphics-intensive, and I used the OpenGL toolkit, which is the industry standard for high performance graphics, from games to virtual reality, mobile phones to supercomputers. I used the Eclipse Java Integrated Development Environment. I programmed a Sorcerer’s Apprentice Video Game for the Android smartphone platform in Java.